Protecting & Enjoying Nature with NLI
Right in Our Region:
Having fun is good, but having fun that benefits your community is much better. That’s why the Rockford CThe Natural Land Institute (NLI) has protected, managed and restored more than 17,000 acres of undeveloped land in Illinois since 1958. It also helps people to discover the wonders of nature so they’ll learn to love the outdoors, understand the importance of healthy ecosystems and advocate for land preservation, says Kim Johnsen, NLI director of marketing and membership.
Also Inside:
Right in Our Region ……………………Cover & p. 16
Natural Land Institute Lessons Evolve
Your Home …………………………………………… ….. 11
Give Your Garage Door Some Love
Inspiration & Worship ………………………………..12
“It Is Well With My Soul”
Your Health ……………………………………… ………. 23
Recovery After Stroke